Activity Score

What does the Activity Score show?

The Activity Score shows you how active you were.

How do I interpret the Activity Score?

The higher the score, the more active you have been. The lower the score, the less active you have been.

What is optimal?

What is optimal depends on your individual Activity Zone. The Activity Zone depends on your Activity during the last day and your Recovery. You can read more about the Activity Zone here.

How can I improve the Activity Score?

You can improve your Activity Score by either doing and logging a workout or simply by walking.

How is the Activity Score calculated?

The Activity Score is calculated by using the Number Of Steps you have taken and our own ONVY Workout Algorithm.

The ONVY Workout Algorithm uses data gathered during workouts. The collected data includes heart rate, speed, elevation gain, power, cadence, etc. Please notice: This data is highly dependent on the third-party applications you use.

The ONVY Workout Algorithm adjusts to you. It automatically detects your physical performance. To do so it uses your highest performing 20 minutes. So make sure to do a high-intensity workout every couple of months.

Which variables influence it?

  • Number of Steps

  • ONVY Workout Algorithm

What other metrics are influenced by the Activity Score?

  • Activity Zone

  • Recovery Zone

  • Stress Zone

  • Recovery Score


Recovery Score


Balance Score