Stress Zone

What does the Stress Zone show?

The Stress Zone shows you how much stress would be optimal for you.

Why is the Stress Zone important?

The Stress Zone guides you toward your optimal amount of stress. For us neither too much nor too little stress is optimal. The key here is balance. Find out more about our Zone Concept here.

How do I interpret the Stress Zone?

The Stress Zone highlights an area on your Stress Score. The closer you get to the Stress Zone the better.

How is the Stress Zone calculated?

To create a holistic view of your resilience to stress this zone depends on all four important ONVY-Scores: The Stress Score, the Activity Score, the Recovery Score, and the Mindfulness Score.

How is it done in detail?

Activity Reduced Chronic Stress (ARCS): This is based on the comparison of your Stress Score during the last few days and your Activity Score because physical activity like walking or exercise can reduce stress. So physical activity will increase your capability of handling stress and therefore increase your Stress Zone. Whereas high stress on the days before will decrease your Stress Zone.

Mindfulness Score: The Stress Zone can be increased by doing mindfulness sessions.

Recovery Score: The better you sleep, the better you can handle stress and therefore the higher your Stress Zone will be.


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Mindfulness Zone