Activity Zone

What does the Activity Zone show?

The Activity Zone shows you if you have achieved the optimal balance between exertion and regeneration.

Why is the Activity Zone important?

The Activity Zone guides you toward your optimal amount of activity. Find out more about our Zone Concept here.

How do I interpret the Activity Zone?

The Activity Zone highlights an area on your Activity Score. The closer you get to the Activity Zone the better.

How can I influence the Activity Zone?

The Activity Zone is influenced by your activity on the days before and by your recovery.

Days with strenuous exercise need to be followed by days with less activity. Therefore the harder you pushed activity-wise the previous days, the lower the recommended amount of Activity, a.k.a your Activity Zone, will be.

Poor sleep increases your propensity for injuries, especially if you train intensely and often. Therefore we adapt the Activity Zone according to your recovery during the previous night. The better your sleep, the higher your Activity Zone.


Recovery Zone


Recovery Score